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Tuesday, August 11, 2009

results - stats thru day 12

Well- two weeks down and four to go ...

The last two days have been painful with my only winner yesterday Multidude $8.40 $4.70 & $2.80, but the week over all was very profitable. No worries , the favorites have to win sometimes and we'll get back to cashing those Double Digit winners soon ...

After Week 2 (12 days) at Saratoga stats for ON TOP selections-

Winners - (26/93) - for 28%
In Money - (46/93) - for 50%
Total Win $ - $239.90
ROI - $2.58

It wonderful to cash nice tickets early in the meet like we did last week. Opportunitity will come around when horses start to run back 2nd time at The Spa and there will be grass horse surprise packages who endured nightmare trips first time over.

There is some tremendous stakes action coming this weekend. A few track records might be in danger too since the track is so tight and my man is about to 'unleash the hounds' ... The fun will continue - no worries ....

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