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Saturday, September 27, 2008

What up with Bond ?

I really don't know what to make of H James Bond. This f*ckin guy has saddled more winners in the past month than he has at NYRA tracks in 3 years combined. Not only are they winning, they are winning like the 'old days' , before they tested for bicarbonates or as its been know for years ' the milkshake'. They are running straight and strong down the lane, showing no signs of getting tired.

I was on the backstretch of Saratoga Harness for years in the early 90's. One of my friends told me that they mix baking soda, sugar, water , and sometimes electrolytes and tube it thru the horses nose into the stomach. It metabolized the lactic acid that usually builds up in muscles as sugar is burned. So horses on a 'milkshake' don't get tired , they look like they would run thru a wall as they cross the wire .Yep , not a nice thing to do.

They finally started testing at NYRA tracks for ' milkshakes' a few years ago and a number of trainers suddenly forgot how to train horses. They fell off the face of the earth. One of those was Mr Bond. He has more toes on his two feet than winners in the last 3 years until the last 30 days. Did he find that manual hidden under his bed? I mean the guy is so confident, he broke out a new 'neon blue' blazer just like he used to wear in the old days when his visits to the winners circle were as routine as a trip to the mailbox.

Something is up, I mean he just didn't remember how to train horses again, did he ??

By no means am I saying Mr Bond is cheating but his stats match up accordingly with the intro to NYRA of the 'black box' tests. It makes me wonder , that's all.

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