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Sunday, September 26, 2010

This guys an a$$hole

I have written before about the e-mail I receive. Well, I could not take this FORMER member anymore.

Here is Paul's kind note -

But, you SUCK worse than Buttermilk!  You need to put your head on straight....your 5 star did not even get a call.....guess that was a start problem?  or he fell coming out of the gate, no, the saddle slipped,
or the SOB was just plain beat, and the handicapping for the race was just "brutally Honest" and WRONG!
You couldn't find your way out of a paper bag, if it were open at both ends!  You took all of us at your home track.....Saratoga........and I will never let you forget it. I am really pissed, and I will remain a thorne (sic)in your side untill(sic) you apoligize (sic)and start saying you are not as "good" as you proclaim to be.
Please show me where you ever say that a horse will run THIRD?  You really, really SUCK.........and don't forget to bet against Zenyatta next're such a SOCK............!!!!!!!!  

And here was my kind response - 


I always enjoy your wild bullshit rants. Sometimes you just have to cut bait.

By the second or third day at Saratoga, I stated in the selections for TWO WEEKS  and on the blog that horses are now in order of preference.  Is that not clear enough English for you Paul? That means they are in the order that I like them, from 1st, to 2nd, to 3rd, to 4th. That was instituted for scratches and multi-race wagers. Did I lose you yet?

Check my blog, I just posted this weekends stats - I had 6 wins from 15 picks for 40 % winners and was 9/15  - for 60% in the Money . I had 7 exactas from 15 races with 3 trifectas too.

Can't get out of a bag with no ends - FUCK YOU. You pick 40% winners for any 15 picks.

All i do is post horses I like - IN ORDER OF PREFERENCE.  If that's too hard for you to comprehend , my apologies.

Try learning to read a Racing Form or handicap yourself - obviously that must be to much for you to understand as well , so lets yell at the guy who gives me Free Picks. Dick.

Are you that fucking deranged to think that horse races are run the way handicappers see them EVERY TIME?  Every winner would be 1/9 because obviously there is much more to it than you can understand.

My 5 Star loss cost me $1100 , what did it cost you $10?  Fuck off. 

See what you have to put up with - and this dillweed is bitching about Free Picks!

My man needs to go bet on Grey Hounds or invest in some tranquilizers. 


Unknown said...

Man, Jack, I thought I dealt with all the A** holes, being a Stevie Nicks tribute artist and clothing designer. LOL. You got your own share, my friend. Just ignore the ignorant, you have enough people that respect and admire what you do, and look forward to your pics, screw the Haters!

Love! Barbara

Zenyatta John said...

Peace & Love ...