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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Reform this NY!


This makes me mad year after year after year. NYS will not allow gambling on Horse Racing on Palm Sunday or Easter Sunday. This law is as old as Jesus Christ himself!

Separation of Church and State is defined as follows -" Separation of church and state" is a political and legal doctrine that government and religious institutions are to be kept separate and independent from each other.

So I ask you, what is separate about the government telling me I can't gamble on Horse Racing because of Religious Holidays??

But it gets better. The state of NY WILL accept my money if I want to purchase a scratch off ticket or a PowerBall ticket. I also can go to the Racino in Saratoga and play dime slots but I can't walk upstairs and bet a horse because its against the NYS law. I have to call bullshit what it is - bullshit.

Come on NYS - get your act together. You scumbag politicians need to put your greed aside and HELP the Citizens of the State your were sworn in to serve! We didn't vote you in to act like children , or thieves , or wife beaters. I wish I could start a charity to help the people of New Orleans then keep all the money - right Mr Smith?. That's just what one of our NY politicial influences did. I'd love to take vacations paid for by the people and corporations I will give tax cuts to - way to go Mr Rangel , another scumbag thief who is a current NY politician. I'm not even bringing in the drama Lame Duck Dave - our accidental governor who doesn't even show up to work these days - but says he's hard at work on the $3 billion dollar budget deficit in our already over taxed state of NY.

See folks - horse racing is so far down on the priority list of our scumbag NYS government - wait and see ... There is no good news on the horizon. The racino at Aqueduct has been on the clock for NINE YEARS. FOR NINE YEARS - NYS has been losing a $1,000,000 a DAY because these greedy thieves can't figure out how to get enough of the money.

Here is a link - NYC-OTB says it will close without the states help. This legal bookmaker run by the thieves in NYS government is the ONLY bookmaker in the history of taking bets that LOSES MONEY!! More people lose than win - BY FAR , and NYC-OTB loses money because its run by NYS gov't.

We don't have enough time to vote these people out - we need to support the horseman of NY with their race boycotts and demonstrations. We need change and we need it NOW!!!

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