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Sunday, March 21, 2010

Its come to this - wake up NYS!!

Wake up NYS government!

The 1st race at Aqueduct has been Canceled !! The horseman have a rally at Belmont Park from noon till 2PM today and purposely missed the deadline for bringing their horses into the detention barn - hence NYRA had to cancel the 1st race.

NYS can't be hindered by Governor Lame Duck Dave Patterson , our literal blind leaded the blind.

Just get the guy out of office and turn the process over to the Lottery. We need the VLT's to keep the game going in NYS. There are over 35000 jobs at stake.

Lets go NY !! Wake up!! We have nothing but criminals running the state of NY. They are thieves, wife beaters , and serve only themselves - not the tax payers of NYS.

Lame Duck Dave cries racism for the attention to his recent criminal activity but names AEG to run the racino - who coincidentally have the public face of five African American gentleman who our governor took a meeting with 3 days after to talk about support of his re-election campaign!! It was a last ditch effort by Lame Duck Dave to get re-elected. Within two weeks, the whole deal unraveled, just like Lame Duck Dave's life. There are at least THREE investigations into his criminal activity .

We need a change in NYS - or horse racing in NY will never be the same.

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